Project Telescope and upcoming open source contributions

Hacktoberfest 2019 ended leaving me waiting to receive a very cool tee and highly motivated to keep contributing to open source.

Release 0.3 is coming up with me having to contribute to an internal project and an external one.

1. Project Telescope

This is an internal project of DPS 909, the class of Fall 2019. The goal of this project is to build a more robust web application to replace the current Planet CDOT - a collection of blog posts in the topics of Open Source Software posted by students, professors and researchers at Seneca College - to overcome a number of issues such as obsolete technologies, crashing due to users' errors and the fact that the page is very old.

Therefore, we want to rewrite the web app as an Open Source project to fix the existing issues and enhance it on a newer platform with newer technologies.

The project is going to be led by the professor of DPS 909 but it is going to be a collaborative product of 50+ students in the course. Although I think it is going to be (and actually is) chaotic, I am excited to see how everything will work out.

In fact, the project has begun and is having a good start at the moment. I have filed/accepted some issues to get myself moving ahead already:
  1. Issue #87:  Test for SAML2
  2. Issue #96: Config to remove styling conflict between EditConfig and ESLint. Add Prettier to improve code formatting.
I will definitely add more to work on in the future.
I hope the project will come to fruition and we will have a great experience!

2.  External Project: microsoft/accessibility-insight -web

As I grow in the world of software development, so do the size of the problem I have to tackle. In Release 0.2, I have learnt many things and contributed to some small repositories. I am expected to do better now! I planned (and failed) to work on a big(ger) project in the end of Release 0.2. Now, I want to execute that plan in Release 0.3.

I took a look into a Microsoft's project called Accessibility Insight for Web of Microsoft. This open-source project is Chrome extension that assesses a website for its surpport of Accessbility features. I think that I found an issue I can work on: Issue #1169.

Let's find out!


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